Headline Writing
1. Tara Vaughan, Omaha Marian
Bonuses fuel salaries of airline bigwigs, cause turbulence among
Government prepares for polar plunge:
Petitions to protects bears continue
as temperatures rise
Former Olympians recall Salt Lake scandel;
Seek accountability in scoring system
2. Amber Knapp, Johnson-Brock
Serious Scandal Spurs Serious Friendship Between Russian and Canadian
Dietary Intervention May Not Be Enough
In Reducing Cancer Risks for Women
Are Polar Bears in Trouble?
Greenpeace Says 'Yes'
Population Counts Say 'Maybe'
3. Katie Cech, Aquinas
Global Warming a Factor Among Declining Polar Bears
Low Fat Diets Show Little
Hope for the Fight Among
Woman's Health Complications
Olympic Controversy Brings Out the Best
In Four Competing Figure Skaters
4. Whitney Hinshaw, Elkhorn
Airlines Still Feeling Profit Turbulance
Executive Enjoy Bonuses, Stock Payouts
Unhappy Workers' Paychecks, Pensions Cut
Procrastinated Diets Could Leave Overachieving Health Problems
Canadians, Russians skate past the controversy
ISU dumps scoring system after scandal
5. Victor Haley, Omaha South
Some Airlines Cut Pay, Remove Pillows To Give Executives Bonuses
Polar Bears Threatened By Global Warming;
Their Habitat Slowly Melting Away
Disappointing Results Don't Mean Failure;
Study Links Red Meat, Cancer;
Results Show Eat Healthy, Early
6. Matthew Ketcham, Millard West
Airline pay cuts issued
to 'retain top performers'
Global warming heats up polar bear debate
Olympic Skating Scandal
ends up 'laughable'
attempt at redemption
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