Network Staff speaks out:

Bring in da’ funk and kick out da’ drunks

A staff editorial


“So, who are you going to ask?”


“What does your dress look like?”


“What time are pictures?”


“Has anyone made reservations?”


The pre-prom buzz in the halls of Marian seems the same as any other year.  Talk of boys, beauty, boutonnières.…and breathalyzers?


Marian has unveiled a new policy of testing for alcohol use among all the students who attend both prom and post prom. A breathalyzer test will be administered to every Marian student and her date. If the test has a positive result (that is if a student were to “blow” above a 0.0), actions will be taken by the administration.


This new policy has created quite a stir amongst the juniors and seniors attending prom. Many feel this to be an invasion of our rights or an accusation of action that has not yet happened.  Girls are worried of what reputation this might give Marian as a whole; what does it say about our school if everyone needs to pass an alcohol test before being admitted to a simple dance? And heaven forbid we have to wait in a line before getting our groove on.


While these concerns may be valid, the main point of the policy is being lost amongst the meaningless groans. The administration is not trying to ruin our fun or bust us for drinking. Although the latter may ensue, their main reason for the alcohol tests is safety. Safety is the reason our “rights are being stepped upon” or the reason we are “being accused.” Marian simply does not want to see any of its students, or anyone, for that matter, hurt. And, unfortunately, past experiences surrounding prom have given more than enough reason to administer these tests.


We can complain and grumble about the “injustice” being done to us in the form of the breathalyzer test, but is it really that bad? The answer: no, of course not. Suck it up and deal with it; prom should be a night to enjoy the company of others while dancing, not an annoyance that creates negativity. A simple solution to ease your worries? Don’t drink.


However, while the test may be a necessary safety precaution and for our own good, the administration could have presented the policy in a better light. The huge emphasis that has been placed on the breathalyzer, along with the almost accusatory nature the school has deemed their reason for the test, have proven to make this year’s prom seem uninviting and less than fun.


We, as a newspaper staff of seniors, support the policy, but not the attitude that seems to accompany it. Perhaps this new testing could have been introduced in a way that doesn’t make it seem as though the administration believes us to inherently drink. A few people have ruined our credibility in the past, but it is important to remember that not all Marian girls plan to drink the night of prom.


So yes, there may be a line outside the Scholar building, and yes, it may take an extra minute or two to get inside, but the positive effects of the new alcohol testing far outweigh this small negative one. Prom is prom; it will still be as fun as every other year, maybe even more fun this year with the absence of obnoxious guests. And if you feel that drinking is the only method of fun, stay home and don’t make it Marian’s responsibility or liability the night of prom. After all, a happy, sober girl in a prom dress is a lot prettier than an indignant, drunk girl in a prom dress.

