Danger alert: Gelatin shots soon to be sold in Nebraska
Megan Kawa
In Aug., the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission approved the sale
of liquor-laced gelatin in the state of Nebraska.
The liquored gelatin are currently sold under the brand name ³Zippers²
in 21 other states.
According to the Omaha World-Herald, the state
commission had early concerns about the packaging of Zippers, stating ³packaging
without warning labels could be mistaken as a gelatin dessert.² However, the
manufacturing company redesigned the packages, making it look more like an
alcohol product and less appealing to children.
Zippers will be sold for about ten dollars in packages of eight
and contain 12% alcohol.
According to Diane Riibe, Executive Director of Project Extra
Mile, there are ³no stipulations² to the placing of Zippers in stores
that sell the product.
Even though, retailers are allowed to place Zippers anywhere in
their store, all Bakerıs stores in Omaha and Fremont have decided not to sell
Junior Amanda Meier said she believes it is okay that Nebraska
will soon be selling Zippers. ³Itıs final guess. They [manufactures] sell hard
However, junior Ellen Stryker disagrees. ³It makes it seem like itıs
a kidıs drink.²
Dean of Discipline, Miss Rhonda Motykowski didnıt like the idea of
Nebraska legalizing the prepackaged jell-o shots, ³I canıt believe they did
that. Manufactures are just trying to make big bucks. Theyıre always trying to
get to children. They [jell-o shots] have the same effects as other alcoholic
drinks. ³