Age regression:

Hypnosis brings out ‘Inner Child’

Bethany Widman


Go back in your mind as far as you can reach.  Think of the time you received your first bike, your first birthday cake, even your first bottle of formula.  Having a hard time remembering?  Through age regression hypnosis, psychologists are able to take a person back through the years to retrieve the reasons for phobias, habits and emotional distress. 


As with any science, there is usually a special process that one must go through to obtain the status of being hypnotized.  First the patients must go down to an almost sleep-like level mentally and physically, much like the state one is in before they go to sleep or right before they wake up.  Then the psychiatrist will take the patient back in their mind to a younger age sometimes going as far back as infancy.  Here is where the root of many problems lie. The past.

For example, if a person is addicted to nicotine, the reasons may vary but in most cases, cigarette addiction is caused from moments of love in a person’s life.  Diane Yankelevitz, an age regression hypnotherapist from California, had a client who wanted to stop smoking.  She underwent hypnosis and it was found that cigarettes often meant love to the person.  When the client was little her father died and to keep her quiet at the funeral, her mother held her close and let her play with a box of cigarettes.  Later, at age 10, her brother asked her to join him and his friends for a smoke behind a building.  These moments all represented moments of acceptance and love that subconsciously triggered her cravings for cigarettes.


Through age regression hypnosis, a person is able to discover the roots of her problems or reasons for doing things, which creates a lot of reassurance and help for the patient.


Not only are psychiatrists able to take a person back to infancy, but in some cases even further back to a past life they may have had.


Probably the most famous case of past life hypnosis is the case of Bridey Murphy, a young woman in Colorado who underwent hypnosis one night.  The psychiatrist took Murphy back to her infancy and then asked her to reach further back.  Murphy, after a long pause, began speaking in a thick Scottish accent telling all about her life as a child in Scotland in the 1800s.


“I have always believed that reincarnation could be a possibility.  The case of Bridey Murphy is really weird but I think it is probably true,” said junior Mary McGinty.


In some cases, people find the reasons for their chronic neck pain to lie within a past life in which they were hanged.  In other cases people find out that indeed their love is eternal and that they have married the same person before hundreds of years ago.


Although interesting to learn about, many religious groups do not believe in past life hypnosis because they do not believe in reincarnation.


With the help of a psychiatrist, perhaps you can reach to the very edges of your mind to find out what is the cause of your stress or worries now.  Many psychiatrists perform age regression hypnosis to get to the root of the problem of their patient but past life hypnosis is less commonly performed.  The average cost of a session is $180 for two-hours and $30 per additional 1/2 hour.   To find out more information about hypnosis, consult people you know or even check out your local yellow pages to find out if hypnosis is necessary for you.

